Painting with The Be Creative Studio, Curtis Wallace, Ypsilanti, Michigan | At DeBuck's Sunflower Farm
Curtis Wallace, the creator of the Be Creative Studio in Ypsilanti, hosts innovative ways to bring creative and inspirational time into your life. From virtual paint classes, traditional paint and wine experience, formal art lessons, to a free flowing experience designed entirely for you. We went to go see what was buzzing at the Debuck's Sunflower Farm and what Curtis was all about.
We planned this day as a girl’s day out. This was our first girl’s day in a few months and we all knew it was much needed, but what we didn’t expect was that we were going to go home refreshed, inspired, empowered, and thankful for all the people we’ve ever met.
Curtis is determined to use his artistic gifts and wisdom to help those of all ages learn how to let go of their doubts, experiment with their talents, and lean into their own creativity. Throughout this whole experience, he supported us through positivity and affirmations, and constantly reminded us that there is no right or wrong way to approach the arts. Not only does his studio teach art classes, but he integrated yoga practice, dance classes and more into the space where he encourages the students to “Just Be”: Be creative, be present, be kind, be aware, be gentle, be loving.
Our group ranges from wild and outgoing to rule-following and reserved, but we all managed to click with Curtis right away. When you find your tribe, you just instantly know, you know? You also know you have an amazing teacher when they start off with some creative inspiration right off the bat. Curtis started the class off with our basic rules and regulations, but one rule had a special clause. He led us through a series of questions to see if we were listeners. Then he said something that really stood out, “Listening to yourself is also important.”
So we could do exactly what he was telling us if we wanted, or we could listen to his advice, think about it, and create something beautiful, from our hearts, using that advice. But I also took this in another way! Being able to listen, especially to your elders and teachers, is an incredibly important too, but don’t forget to listen and think for yourself too. Each person is making their own canvases through life, we are writing our own books, and each version of that is allowed to be different, what would life be if all of the stories were the same?
The rest of the class was as equally inspiring, however! He would tell us stories of how he ended up to where he is now, how he never believed he would be able to do something he enjoys everyday, how he continues to push his goals and dreams, and how thankful he was that we signed up for his class.
Something I started recently opening up about on my channel was my impostor syndrome. So to hear him vocalize, word-for-word, my very same doubts, my very same astonishments, and some incredibly similar stories, was MIND blowing! It’s not often that you can find someone whose whole heart is in what they are doing and that they are an incredibly relatable human being.
Although this day started out as ‘just some art class’, it ended with a new friend, a new support system, a newfound sense of belonging, and so many laughs!
I hope to see some of you in his future classes!
“Point at the amazing person who painted this work.”
“Point at the amazing teacher who led you through this masterpiece!”
You can find Curtis throughout his multiple social medias and website here:
You can sign-up for an art class at DeBuck’s Sunflower Farm here!