What's In Our Shopping Cart For The New House

We have lived in our new home for about 4 months now and it’s been such an amazing lifestyle change. We were able to afford a house that didn’t need any major renovations, projects, we are away from family so our calendars are a bit more open, and cutting down on items that didn’t bring us joy has led to a much more relaxed lifestyle. We are able to spend more time as a family, more time out on the trails, and no, we are not tired of the snow! I’m going to make our daughter another igloo sometime this week!

We borrowed quite a few appliances, or some went dead right before the move, so we made a list of things we needed for the new house. Then we waited a few months to make sure they still resonated with us. After moving in, we waited a couple weeks to again make sure they still aligned with our desires. I’ve made a list of the things we purchased for our new home and we still love them all 4 months later!

Silicone Razor Holder | Quilt | Towels | Cozy Flannel Sheets | Linen Shower Curtain

With a house more than double the size of our first house, we knew we’d need plenty of things to keep us warm this winter. Albeit, this house is better insulated than our previous home and more efficient, but we had already been using flannel sheets in our previous home. Those are buttery soft, so cozy, and retain the heat! We decided we would invest in 2 more sets so we can rotate them out, but also use them on the guest beds. We also have been wanting a weighted blanket, and this weighted quilt was on sale at the time. Our shower doesn’t have any shelving and we’ve tried the suction cup shower additions, I think we went through 3 before finally throwing in the towel on those! I came across these silicone razor holders, but also a toothbrush one, and they have been amazing! They are also reusable for those who move frequently. We took this as an opportunity to invest in new towels, ours were 4 years old and smelling musty! We also left our shower curtain behind and used this as an opportunity to invest in washable, linen shower curtains.

Bamboo Shelf Organizer | Stair Step Basket

Our system of organizing our seasonings wasn’t working. We used the system for 4 years despite not enjoying it, however. We decided we got plenty of use out of it and could pass it along to someone else who may need it. Instead, we invested in these adjustable, 3-tier racks. They fit perfectly in the wide cabinet they are in and actually fit all of our seasonings (we have quite the stock). This is also the first time we have a second layer. We previously had a basement and frequently had to carry quite a few things up the stairs (mostly misplaces toys or books). I came across stair baskets and knew we had to have one! I also love that they are pleasing to look at. During our tidy time, we fill the basket with things that go upstairs and can take it all up in one trip.

These were some big purchases we knew we wanted and needed, but we had to split them up over time. Our toaster died just before our move, it had lasted 4 years and we use it as our primary source of cooking/reheating. To save space on other appliances, we knew we wanted a toaster that did multiple functions at once. I need something that dehydrates for harvesting, my husband wanted something that air fries, and so forth. We came across the KitchenAid 9-in-one toaster, among other toasters, and based on other reviews and specs, we decided to go with this one! We have loved it so much. I may need to purchase an additional rack for dehydrating because you can only do small batches with the single rack.

Older basements can have water issues, any basement can really, but we knew to be expecting that with a 1900’s home. So the dehumidifier for the basement was high on our priority list! It has done a wonderful job at keeping things dry and fresh down there. A few years ago, we had a friend rent out our spare bedroom until he saved up for his own place. He bought an air purifier for our musty basement, and that was a game changer! Not only that but with current events, we really wanted something that would help with air quality.

Lastly, the Little Green Machine has been on my list of appliances for a while too. It’s amazing for cleaning rugs, carpet spots, fabric in the car, and furniture. Mom/pet life can be messy and sometimes a washcloth with soap just doesn’t cut it. I’ve seen some pretty great reviews on this so I’m happy to add it to our appliance closet.

Through minimalism, I’ve learned that it’s best to make a list of wants. Overtime, if you still want the item, have the need for it, or continue to think about it, then it is definitely an item you can welcome into your home. If you forget about it after a time, then it is probably something you didn’t need. I’ve also learned it’s best to do your research and save up for quality products, rather than purchasing something cheap to get you by. You’ll waste more money buying cheap products over time, than investing in quality products that work and last.

Do you already have any of these products and love them? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!