October 2020 Photo A Day Challenge

Goodbye sunflower fields and hello pumpkin patches! I just love October! During our first few months of quarantine, I decided to grow as a photographer. One of the ways to do that is to do these little photo challenges. A couple photographers that inspire me shared a challenge, and I was hooked. I never did get to share those images, but I felt so creative and inspired by the outcomes. So, I wanted to share the empowerment with all of you! You don’t have to be a photographer, you don’t need a fancy camera, and these don’t have to be fine art pictures. I want this challenge to be all about capturing your day-to-day life and to have fun getting creative in the process.

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What is a photo-a-day challenge?

A photo-a-day challenge is just a yearly or monthly challenge where you are given a photo prompt or a suggestion for that time. You can play along by taking a picture of your interpretation of the prompt (or come up with your own if you don’t like it - it’s all about you and what makes you happy!)

How do I play along?

You can share your photos through any of the social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, your Blog, Flicker, etc.

You can tag me @searraliggett on your social media sites too if you want me to be able to see it! I love to see what my readers are sharing and to spread the love and support! It makes my heart so happy!

Simply add the hashtag #fallphotoaday so that the rest of us who are playing can follow along and we can all see your photos.

Also, don’t feel obligated to share them if you don’t want to! You can follow along with the prompts and keep the photos to yourself, that’s perfectly acceptable and I do it all the time.

What is a hashtag and how does it work?

A hashtag is the pound sign (#) followed by a word or short phrase (without a space) that describes or classifies your tweet or photo on Twitter or Instagram. If you click on a hashtag you will be taken to a list of tweets or pictures all containing the same hashtag.

How can i see other people’s photos?

Once you’ve shared your own photo, and included the hashtag #fallphotoaday, simply click on the hashtag. You will be taken to a screen with everyone’s photos who have also added #fallphotoaday hashtag. Don’t be afraid to comment and like each other’s photos! This way everyone has fun!

What if I forget a day… or 2…or 20?

I’m a busy mom, so I get it. It’s really not a big deal! These little challenges are all based on how you want to participate! So just start up again! Or you can start from where you’ve left off. No one will care… I promise! Share with your family and friends, and remember the most important rule: Have fun. The point is to get you to record your everyday moments and memories. Just capture a small snapshot of your day.

Want to play along?

Want to follow me on our various Social Media Platforms? You can find me here:

Searra Liggett on Facebook

Searra Liggett on Instagram @searraliggett

Searra Liggett on Pinterest

Happy fall!