Minimalist Backpacking (With A Baby!) | Everything We Packed For Our Trip & What We Wish We Had

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We did it! We completed our first backpacking trip! (Let’s not even mention the times we thought we were backpacking a few years ago - should I find some throwback pictures? I think I will.) Because only one of us has a fairly usable backpack, we have to pack ultra-light. I wear the child carrier with Evelyn so we only pack diapers, her rain cover, and anything else we may need easy access to (like food or our Lifestraws). We still have a ways to go, and there are a few things on our wish list to save up for, but this was an amazing trip! I’ll talk more about the trip on another post though!

This blog is all about EVERYTHING we packed for a family of 3 AND dogs. You’re thinking, ‘you’re kidding right, that’s not minimal?’ Our limited space would say otherwise.

I do want to note that this was a 2-day/1-night trip, so we packed very little clothing to save room. If this is your first time backpacking with a baby, I would recommend doing a few day hikes first with loaded gear to adjust to the weight. Then I would go on some practice camping trips. If you are already pros at those, then go on a nice and easy one-night trip to see how well everyone does!

Lastly, I won’t be including clothing in this since everyone’s wardrobe is different. Remember to pack according to the weather. It’s not a Liggett camping trip if we don’t get rained out, so we always come prepared. I’d be happy to link clothing/footwear items in the comments below if you have any questions though! And please, please, PLEASE, remember to clean up after yourself. Pack it up and pack it out. Happy hiking!



Our Osprey Poco AG Child Carrier was the first backpack we bought for hiking and we tested it out on a couple camping trips. We love it! I do wish there was a little more room in child carriers for backpacking, but I’m sure we will figure it out later with more practice. The Osprey Atmos AG 65L Backpack was our second investment. The retail worker that was helping us said that anything you wish you had in a backpack, Osprey has already thought about, and she couldn’t have been more right. Both of our Osprey packs are chock full of secret pockets and so much more space than what they look like on the outside. Then of course, because the rain enjoys following us despite the sunny forecast, we got the Osprey Packs Poco Rain Cover and the Osprey Packs Ultralight Backpack Rain Cover. Then, of course, we packed our tent and our sleeping bag in a compression sack to save space. Because our trips have been in summer so far, we have just been bringing one sleeping bag and a small blanket to share. These next items we don’t have yet, but they are on my wish list for the future! This NEMO Switchback Sleeping Pad has been on my wish list for the past year, but we just have so many other items that are higher up on the list. Lastly, you want to make sure to pack a nice headlamp, a comfortable & compressible pillow, bear spray, and a compressible lantern. When you are backpacking, space and weight is everything so anything that can compress nice and small will always be on my list!



Kitchen & Hygiene

The only thing on our wish list in this group is the MSR PocketRocket 2 Stove. This version is nice and light, packs up small with its own case, and boils water in 3.5 minutes. Over the past few Christmas’, we were gifted a similar mess kit, UCO Switch Utensil Sets, a Camp Mug with Carabiner handle, some Mountain House meals, and our LifeStraws which have been SO FUN to use. We just bought our first CamelBak Crux Water Reservoir, which we hang in the child carrier, and we might buy one more for the backpack while everything is on sale right now! Then we packed our compass, a map, and we always have the maps loaded on our phones. Evelyn always loves to have snacks handy, so we brought her snack catchers and attach them to the backpack. Then we pack our sunscreen, Evelyn’s sunscreen, deet-free bug spray, and a multi-tool. If you want to stay clean on long trips, it’s important to bring natural, biodegradable soap while camping. Bonus, it is an all purpose cleaner so you just need to pack the one. Lastly, we bring some baby wipes for diaper changes (and messy meals), a trowel, our Hello Bello hand sanitizer spray, and a quick drying towel.



The next thing on our wish list are these Black Diamond Alpine Carbon Cork Trekking Poles. Trekking poles aren’t necessary, so we are just sticking to necessities for now, but when we save up enough to splurge - these will be next on our list! Then our pups bags are packed with their dual leash, compostable poop bags (bag it up, and pack it out!), their medical kits, their DayPak bags themselves, collapsible bowls, and of course their food.

If we have the extra space, we always love to pack our Eno Hammock and their straps and our solar charger and chords for our phones and camera gear.

Although I’m not listing our clothing, I do want to link some drybags and stuff sacks to help keep the water off your clothing and other items that need to stay dry!


Throw back time! Memorial Day Weekend 2018

We rigged up ‘backpacking’ gear with whatever we had on hand. The sheriff on the island offered us a ride, but we were too proud and wanted to hike all the way to our destination. A local islander tipped us a spot, while we were on the ferry, and we ended up setting up tent there because we couldn’t walk any further with our gear. Funny enough, it was next door to the Sheriff’s cabin! Such fun memories!
