24 Things I've Learned at 24


It’s been another year around the sun and I thought it would be fun to write about some life lessons and personal things I’ve learned about myself. Our twenties are a time of personal discovery and there are so many different paths, so many different mistakes, and so many different positives. I honestly never thought I would be in the position I am in, and that’s just life! And you know what, that’s perfectly fine!

I once read a quote that said if you wanted to go back to school at age 27 and it was going to take five years so you decided not to, but you will still age five years whether you did what you wanted to do or not.

So, to celebrate my 24th year of existence, I wrote down 24 things I’ve learned throughout my personal story.

  1. Do the thing you keep saying you want to start

    If you want something, only you have the power to go out and get it! Don’t wait to do things just to please people because you will be robbing happiness from yourself. I was so nervous to start my YouTube channel because I didn’t start when everyone else did, I don’t have the best/most expensive equipment, and my house isn’t perfect. But I finally convinced myself to do it and to stop waiting, it has been the best decision I’ve made!

  2. Trust your intuition more often

    You know what is best for you and for others. Trust yourself and don’t be afraid to speak up!

  3. Everything happens for a reason

  4. Family will always be there no matter what

  5. Your body doesn’t define you.

    Beauty is all a perception and not a fact at all! There’s no such thing as the perfect person, or the perfect body. The quicker you realize that you are beautiful and you treat yourself with care and love, the better you will feel.

    It’s a journey for everyone, and we can get there together.

  6. Know yourself

    Take time to learn about yourself. This past year has been a huge self-growth year and I have really allowed myself to be who I am and who I want to be without being afraid of what others thing.

  7. Practice good communication skills with your friends and family

    Communication is really the key to a happy life! Learn to listen to your friends and family fully and intentionally. See their point of view and respond with empathy. Use the ‘I’ message, “I feel frustrated when”, or “I see you are trying to help out but it makes me…” This is really important because it takes the focus off of blaming and more onto building a healthier relationship through positive interaction. Look for compromise! Don’t react in the first five minutes, take a break to cool down first. And always always always ask for help if you need it.

  8. Positive parenting/partnering/relationship building is a lot of work

    I thought being a conscious parent was going to be simple, some even call it ‘lazy’, but MAN it is A LOT of work! Some times during parenthood, you just want to scream!! But you have to restrain yourself, allow the chaos to continue, and come in when you are calm and ready to promote a healthy learning environment.

  9. The time may never be ‘right’

  10. Don’t fall for the comparison trap

    Something I am still working on every day! I fail to post certain pictures because I feel as if they aren’t ‘perfect’ enough. But I have had the most growth when I stop comparing myself.

  11. Move - 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, just move!

    Get your blood flowing and your heart pumping, even if it is just for a few minutes - it will make you feel better!

  12. Toxic is toxic and you don’t need that in your life

    Sometimes some family members will be toxic, some friends will be toxic, some communication skills you might personally use can be toxic, you don’t need any of that to be happy or to have a wonderful life.

  13. Don’t stop learning

    Learning doesn’t necessarily mean sitting in a classroom. But you could attend seminars, listen to podcasts, take classes on Udemy (or something else), read a book, or watch a how-to video. I can’t believe how many classes or how-to videos are available for free! There are so many great resources, teachers, books, articles, out there! You can achieve anything you put your mind to, so don’t ever settle just because you don’t know how to do something.

  14. Set goals and achieve them

  15. I’m surrounded by the most wonderful individuals

    My friends and family are the most supportive group I could have asked for! I am so grateful and full of love for those that are in our circle, or ‘village’.

  16. It’s okay to rest and relax

    You don’t have to be ‘productive’ all day every day. Go make yourself a bath and read a book. Chores don’t have a due date.

  17. Turn off your phone every now and again

    Spend time without electronics! I cannot stress enough how much this improves my overall mood and energy!

  18. Travel often

    You don’t have to leave the country or even the state to travel! Explore your state/city!

  19. You don’t have to be just one thing

    Don’t worry about a singular career path or doing that for the rest of your life. Follow your curiosity, your drive, your passions, and fill your ‘work’ time with things that inspire and motivate you. Career paths CAN change and that is okay!

  20. New and expensive doesn’t mean nice and quality

    This one has taken me FOREVER to learn! I am so obsessed with buying second hand on Facebook marketplace, at local thrift stores, or from friends and family. Also, you don’t have to fill every square inch of your home. Sometimes seeing empty spaces can really relax the mind and I am all about downsizing and doing a lot of thinking before bringing something into our home.

  21. Eat your vitamins, you don’t need a fad diet to be healthy

  22. Things don’t get easier, you just become better at adjusting

  23. You can be wrong

    Take responsibility for it, apologize for it, give yourself time to reflect critically, and then move forward.

  24. It’s okay to be emotional, don’t apologize, don’t hide

    Emotions are natural, everyone has them. You have the right to feel them regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, socio-economic status, race, political affiliation, age, or religion. You have the right to feel them regardless of what family, friends, or society may say. The way you are feeling does not make you weak. There is no such thing as a negative emotion. The next time you see someone crying, let them know you are there for them.

I’ve learned that I can like the ‘weird’ things, be fun and quirky, enjoy life and not worry about what others think of me! My life doesn’t have to be ‘perfect’ because it’s not. But it is still amazing to me and I am still making amazing memories in our not-so-perfect home, so I will document it anyways!

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.