Strawberry Picking at Henry Ohtonen Strawberry Farm

Henry Ohtonen’s strawberry farm has been in business since 1922 and has become almost synonymous with the Chassell Strawberry Festival. Henry Ohtonen has farmed strawberries almost his entire life and has a 120 acre farm on a five-year rotation. Each field can grow up to 60,000 berries.

Henry says the strawberries in the U.P. are superior to other locations, and we couldn’t agree more! These were the sweetest, most flavorful berries we’ve ever eaten. I managed to make 9 jars of strawberry jam and I can’t wait to go back for more already.

In 2022, the berries were $2.75 a pint, so we were able to fill up 6 for $16.50!

Do you love to go berry picking with your family? I think we are going to make this a tradition, in addition to our own plants of course!

Searra Liggett