Personal: Goals and Resolutions for 2022

Happy New Year! And welcome, 2022. I’m going to be honest, I have not prepared at all for this year! I’ve just been going with the flow for December. I was too busy working on my Christmas project and getting ready to visit family, that I didn’t even set intentions for this year. I know that may seem pretty normal, but when I have intentions + goals set, I feel prepared and ready for the days ahead. I feel as if I have a sense of direction and some form of a plan.

So if you are feeling like you need a little sense of direction, maybe grab a piece of paper and sit down with me! Let’s set some intentions for the year ahead!

What are my goals for this year?

Last year I found a goals planner that I loved! It incorporated all aspects of life, so I will continue to use that model. The ideas it encompasses are: fun, relationship, finances, personal growth, work, wellness, and family + home. I love using these because sometimes you can get so caught up in certain goals that you forget to have fun, focus on relationships, and other aspects of life too. It’s so well rounded and it worked so well for me last year.

I want to reiterate that it is absolutely okay to not achieve some goals. There are a handful from last year that I never accomplished, but I still worked towards them and it’s the effort that counts. Now I know how to rephrase my goals + steps for this year. If you are a business owner, or just want to do a check-in, I’ve also learned that quarterly check-ins are great for planning. As I’m typing this, I’m revisiting last years goals (Personal: Goals And Resolutions For The Upcoming Year) to reassess my accomplishments (or not) to plan for this year. I dedicated this past year to education, which I plan to continue this year, but I also plan to put that education to work.


Embroider at least 2 works of art (not including Christmas presents)

Complete a 52 photography project (more self portraits, flat lays, stylized lifestyle)

Learn how to watercolor paint



Get involved in my communities (my actual community + my online spaces)

Two playgroup visits a week (at minimum)

Random acts of kindness

Show my husband I appreciate him more (whether homemade gifts, surprises, or giving monthly chore breaks)

Regular monthly partner check-ins


Continue paying off student loans

Increase business revenue

Save for rental + kitchen floor

Personal Growth

Less time on my phone

Practice positive self-talk (and reduce gossiping)

Read books from my reading list

Practice Spanish

Quarterly goal check-ins


Make more business sales (client gallery print sales + art gallery print)

Add my store prints + products to: my website, Instagram, + Pinterest

Post YouTube videos twice a week

Post more personal blog posts + post one blog post a week

Make + sell extras from garden (additional starters, propagations, extra produce, canned goods)


Continue daily walks

Spend 1000 hours outside

Make more ingredients or meals from scratch

Get ready every day

Wake up an hour earlier

Family & Home

Sew Evelyn some toys/decoration

Plant a permaculture front garden

Plant a kitchen garden

Build an apothecary from our garden

More house plants!!

Homemade gift baskets for Christmas

Have Christmas presents prepared + ready ahead of time (oof)

Okay, now I’m super excited for this year and I feel ready to go.
If you have made some goals, what is one? Let’s build an idea list in the comments below!